General information for New or Prospective Members
The Association was formed in November 1995. Initially it comprised the 30 councils who were users of Sheridan Systems SSID software.
A decision was taken to extend an invitation to be members to all councils with social services responsibilities including Wales and Scotland.
The subscription was set at £200 per annum.
Four meetings each year were held, usually in Birmingham for its central location, though the specific venues changed as numbers increased.
There are now 3 National Meetings annually open to all members held in March (usually London), June (usually Birmingham) and October (usually in the Yorkshire Region).
Membership is now in excess of 150 councils and usual attendance exceeds 160 individual representatives of these.
Agendas always include an Open Forum item where members can ask questions, seek advice and share information.
The October meeting is the AGM.
A 2 Day meeting was held in Oct 2008 with all costs except travelling met by the association - Luke Clement was the headline speaker.
We are hoping to arrange another 2 day meeting in Birmingham in June 2010 and possibly make it a bi-annual event.
Our website has been redeveloped in 2009 and re launched.
E Learning knowledge tests/course for financial assessment staff is developed and launched in September 2009 following testing by a group of members.
A Good Practice and Induction Guide comprising many volumes has been developed for the benefit of members and which is aimed to complement the E Learning course.
We seek Counsels opinions, and meet the cost, on issues of general interest to members - over 20k's worth so far and more in the pipeline.
Good Practice Guides have previously been produced for the introduction of the Deferred Payments Scheme and Fairer Charging.
We have been consulted by the Department of Health and CSCI (CQC) and LGA on relevant issues.
We have been represented on the Project Board and Working Group which planned revisions to fairer Charging for the introduction of Personal Budgets.
We are represented on a Stakeholder Group, established by the department of Health, looking at revisions to crag.
We are represented on the OPG Stakeholder Group in relation to financial safeguarding
We jointly established a Financial Assessments Benchmarking Club with CIPFA/IPF
Annual subscription is now £150 per council for 2009/10 and is pro rata for those who join mid year depending on the meetings remaining.
Contact should be made with any Officer of the Association and our Treasurer will send a simple form to seek sufficient information to produce an invoice for the subscription.
A formal membership list is maintained and which is used to produce annual invoices automatically.
Any prospective member council can attend a meeting as an observer prior to joining – contact any Officer of the association or member of the Management Committee.